Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Four Months In...

Here we are. April.

Well, that didn't take long.

So remember what I said in January? It sounded like a good idea at the time. The problem though is that life always loves to throw curveballs. First, there were the issues my wife was dealing with; and then came my own problems.

The long story short is that come Monday (yes, this Monday) I will be having surgery performed on me to remove a large mass from under my chin. Thankfully it's a cyst and not some type of tumor, but nonetheless, I'm going in for surgery. And it scares the hell out of me. At least, it did; during these past few days, I've become more comfortable with the thought of it. However, because of the amount of time it has taken to get so many tests performed and visit with an assortment of doctors, I haven't read much besides that old stand-by: the internet. There were books planned out, they were right in front of me, but in the end who the hell wants to read when they're unsure of what lingers beneath the skin of their chinny chin-chin?

Now the problem is where I go from here. There's always the possibility of setting a new start date, but I think the most important aspect of this resolution wasn't so much to adhere to deadlines. It was to get me to read more. So with that in mind, I think what I'll do instead is just read. Read and give my thoughts on what I've read if it's at least interesting enough. As far as video games are concerned, well...that resolution got shot, too. Granted, I've cooled off on buying things on a near weekly basis, and most of what I've purchased has been at a good discount (seriously, who can pass up a Nintendo 3DS game for $2.47 brand new?).

So, the resolutions have been broken. Now if only someone can fix the way the year has been going so far.